macOS Sonoma (14.0)


Multifunctional Printers


Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
bizhub  C750i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C650i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C550i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C450i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C360i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C300i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C257i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C250i (Standard) Printer YES
IC-420 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C4050i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C3350i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C3320i (Standard) Printer YES


Black & White

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
bizhub 750i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 650i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 550i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 450i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 350i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 367 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 308e (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 287 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 227 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 5020i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)
bizhub 4752 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 4052 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 4020i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)


Print Systems

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
bizhub C4000i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C3300i (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C3120i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)
bizhub C3100i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)
bizhub 5000i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)
bizhub 4000i (Standard) Printer UE(*1)


Discontinued Products

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
bizhub C759/C659 (Standard) Printer YES
IC-418 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C754e/C654e (Standard) Printer UE
IC-414 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C754/C654 (Standard) Printer UE
IC-414 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C658/C558/C458 (Standard) Printer YES
IC-416 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C554e/C454e (Standard) Printer -
IC-414 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C554/C454/C364/C284/C224 (Standard) Printer -
IC-414 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C652DS/C652/C552/C452 (Standard) Printer -
IC-412 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C650/C550/C451 (Standard) Printer -
IC-409 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C368/C308/C258 (Standard) Printer -
IC-416 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C364e/C284e (Standard) Printer -
IC-414 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C360/C280 (Standard) Printer -
IC-412 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C353/C353P/C253/C203 (Standard) Printer -
IC-409 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub C287/C227 (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C281/C221 (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C224e (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C220 (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C200 (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C3851FS/C3851/C3351 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub C3850FS/C3850/C3350 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub C3110 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub C3100P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C35P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C35 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub C31P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C30P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C25 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub C20P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C10P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub C20 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub C10 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub 758
Printer YES
bizhub 754e/654e (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 754/654 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 751/601 IC-208 Printer -
bizhub 658e/558e/458e/368e (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 652/552 (Standard) Printer -
bizhub 558/458/368/308 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 554e/454e/364e/284e/224e (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 501/421/361 IC-207 Printer -
bizhub 423/363/283/223 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 362/282/222 (Standard) Printer YES
bizhub 350/250/200 (Standard) Printer -
Konica Minolta 240f IC-903 Printer -
bizhub 4750/4050 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub 4702P/4402P/3602P (Standard) Printer YES(*1)
bizhub 4700P/4000P/3300P (Standard) Printer YES(*1)
bizhub 4422/3622 (Standard) Printer YES(*1)
Scanner YES(*1)
bizhub 4020/3320 (Standard) Printer YES(*1)
Scanner YES(*1)
bizhub 3301P (Standard) Printer YES(*1)
bizhub 42 / 36 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub 40P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub 25e (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
bizhub 20P (Standard) Printer -
bizhub 20 (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -


Workplace Hub


Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
Workplace Hub  (Standard) Printer -


Production Printing


Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
AccurioPressC14000 IC-610 Printer YES
IC-318 Printer UE(*2)
IC-319 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPressC12000 IC-610 Printer YES
IC-318 Printer UE(*2)
IC-319 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPress C6100 IC-604 Printer YES
IC-315 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPress C6085 IC-604 Printer YES
IC-315 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPressC4080 IC-609 Printer YES
IC-317 Printer UE(*2)
IC-419 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPressC4070 IC-609 Printer YES
IC-317 Printer UE(*2)
IC-419 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPressC4065 IC-609 Printer YES
IC-317 Printer UE(*2)
IC-419 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPress C3080/C3080P
AccurioPrint C3080
IC-605 Printer YES
IC-417 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPress C3070
AccurioPrint C3070
IC-605 Printer YES
IC-417 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPrint C3070L IC-605 Printer YES
IC-417 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioPress C2070/C2070P/C2060
AccurioPrint  C2060L
IC-603 Printer YES
IC-417 Printer UE(*2)
IC-313 Printer UE(*2)
AccurioLabel 230 IC-605B Printer Feb. 2023
AccurioLabel 190 IC-602 Printer Feb. 2023
bizhub PRESS C71hc IC-602 Printer Feb. 2023
IC-308 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub PRO C71hc IC-602 Printer Feb. 2023
IC-308 Printer UE(*2)
bizhub PRO C759 IC-418 Printer Feb. 2023


Black & White

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
AccurioPress 6136 (Standard) PostScript YES
AccurioPress 6120 (Standard) PostScript YES
bizhub PRESS 2250P (Standard) PPD -
PostScript YES
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052
bizhub PRO 951
(Standard) PPD -
PostScript YES
bizhub PRO 1100 (Standard) PostScript YES
bizhub PRO 1052e (Standard) PPD -
PostScript YES
bizhub PRO 958 (Standard) PostScript YES


Discontinued Products

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
bizhub PRESS C8000e/C8000 IC-601 Printer -
IC-413 Printer (*2)
IC-306 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060
bizhub PRO C1070/C1060/C1060L
IC-602 Printer -
IC-415 Printer (*2)
IC-308 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS C7000/C7000P IC-601 Printer -
IC-413 Printer (*2)
IC-306 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS C6000 IC-601 Printer -
IC-413 Printer (*2)
IC-306 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C7000/C6000 IC-601 Printer -
IC-413 Printer (*2)
IC-306 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS 1250e/1250eP (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRESS C1100 IC-602 Printer -
IC-310 Printer (*2)
IC-308 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS C1085 IC-602 Printer -
IC-310 Printer (*2)
IC-308 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRESS 1052e (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRESS C70hc
bizhub PRO C70hc
IC-413 Printer -
IC-306 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C6000L IC-601 Printer -
bizhub PRO C6501e/C6501eP IC-408 Printer -
IC-305 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C6501/C5501/C65HC IC-408 Printer -
IC-305 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 IC-408 Printer -
IC-305 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C754/C754e IC-414 Printer (*2)
bizhub PRO C652DS IC-412 Printer -
bizhub PRO 1200/1200P/1051 (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRO 1052 (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRO 1050/1050P (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRO 950 (Standard) PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRO 920 IC-203 PPD -
PostScript -
bizhub PRO 754e (Standard) Printer -


Laser Printers

Discontinued Products

Product Name Controller Driver 13.0 Driver
magicolor 8650DN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 7450/7450II/GA (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 5650EN/5670EN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 5550/5570 (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 5450 (D/DX) (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 5430DL (DLD/DLX) (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 5440DL (DLD/DLX) (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 4695MF (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
magicolor 4690MF (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
magicolor 4750EN/DN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 4650EN/DN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 3730DN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 2590MF (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
magicolor 2550/2550DN (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 2450 (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 2430DL (Standard) Printer -
magicolor 1690MF (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
magicolor 1680MF (Standard) Printer -
Scanner -
magicolor 1650EN (Standard) Printer -
pagepro 5650EN (Standard) Printer -
pagepro 4650EN (Standard) Printer -


YES: The drivers are ready and available
*1: Driver for MacOS 13.0 can be used until new driver is released.
*2: Please check regularly Fiery support site Please check regulary Fiery support site ( for updated information and/or updated drivers​) for updated information and/or updated drivers
*3'TWAIN driver is out of support from macOS13.0. Please use machines's scan functions for scanning.
***/2023: Driver will be released on our Download Center in ***/2023
UE: Under Examination
- : No support
Download Center Release: Shows which version has been released on our Download Center

The products which are not listed below will not support macOS Ventura (13.0)